The radiologist that did her CT scan said her left main bronchus that Dr. Hanley performed a sliding bronchioplasty on in Oct. '08 still looked good and open. All of the vessels he's worked on also looked good. There is one pulmonary vein that he worked on last time that he may need to do some work on but he won't know until he gets in there for surgery. She said that because Reagan doesn't have perfect lungs, even after the complete repair she may not get to 100% oxygen like you and I but could at least get in the 90's and then hopefully with time, as she grows her lungs would improve and her oxygen levels increase. I then said, "so this will keep her heart from having to work so hard in the meantime while her lungs improve" and she said "yes". I then asked, "but by doing the complete repair right now, it's not going to damage her lungs further" and she said "no, in fact it should help because now she's actually oversaturating her lungs with the shunt and this would help this".
So, needless to say, I'm excited and nervous all in one. My stomach has butterflies but not to the point of upset, more of excitement and the unknown. But, as we all know, the Lord is the Master of the Unknown and already knows the end result!
Just wanted to say a word of thanks to our dear friend Lisa Shirley who lives here in the area. She came by the RMH yesterday and delivered us a ton of food, snacks and drinks to tide us over. We truly appreciate your generosity and Reagan enjoyed the grapes & bananas for breakfast this morning that you brought.
Also, to our college friend, Freya Ashby, who always helps us out with Southwest tickets for Rod, Nolan and Aunt Kay to fly out to California. We TRULY appreciate you, Freya!
Please pray for the following:
- Reagan's health to stay well over the next week until her surgery on May 5
- My mom's flight home on Friday
- Reagan and I will stay and be by ourselves until Rod arrives next week
- Rod's flight out here on Tuesday, May 4
- Nolan, as mom and dad both will be away from home. He has had a hard time with Reagan and I being gone already for 1 week. He will come out after surgery for a visit at some point.
Reagan with her new baby from Mimi (Jen's mom)
Ready for a night out on the town with my new purse and sunglasses from my teacher, Mrs. Melissa
Playing in the life-size playhouse at RMH
Morning of heart cath in my new pajamas from Mrs. Lori
getting changed into our hospital gown and I'm sure wondering, "what the heck are we doing"
Getting her lung profusion scan, now you know why she cried through the whole thing, she hates being strapped down
Warming up to the small dog that came with the Furry Friends to RMH. She didn't want anything to do with the bigger dogs. This dog reminded her of Gracie, our neighbor dog that she loves from home!