Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Belated 4th of July!

Since our last post, things have changed quite a bit.  First of all, Daddy left to defend our nation.  We love you daddy and our so proud of you!  The night he left, Reagan decided to get sick.  For 5 days straight, she retched, vomited, and drooled non-stop.  We got little sleep but we survived.  Then, on the 6th day, she woke up and was fine.  Not sure if it was withdrawals, stomach bug or what it was.  On the 5th day, she had stopped vomiting but was still retching and drooling, we had an appt. in Austin with her cardiologist.  He ordered blood work and x-ray that day and all her labs looked great, even her kidney levels.  The x-ray still was a little "wet".  He did cut back on just one of her diuretics this time.  So far, she has been doing great, in fact, on Sunday, 4th of July, I tested her off the oxygen and she did good.  She had made it back down to 1/4 L but now is doing o.k. without it.  It's a day to day process, I will continually monitor her to make sure she's doing good without the oxygen.  Hopefully, we will not need to use it again.
Thankfully, the week Reagan was sick, Nolan had gone to visit his friend Sam in Dallas. Thank you, thank you Schuhmacher family for having him.  Needless to say, I had my hands full at home with just Reagan.  Then, over the holiday weekend, Mimi & PawPaw came to visit.  We had a good time.  Thank you for taking Nolan to the holiday festivities on Sunday so he could enjoy the day.  Reagan and I joined them in the evening when it was time for the fireworks.  It was a great time as a family minus Daddy, of course.  Wish you could have been there!
Look, Daddy, no oxygen!

Happy 4th of July Daddy!

Thanks Mimi & PawPaw for celebrating with us!

We love & miss you Daddy!
Thank you for our freedom!


  1. Wow. First off, we are so grateful to hear that whatever was bothering Reagan has passed. What a crazy few days, how wonderful that Nolan was spared that adventure. Jennifer, we hope you were able to tap into a little reprieve with Mimi and Paw Paw visiting, brutal few days! Rod, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your fellow soldiers. Stay safe and know that your countrymen are grateful for all that you do and all that those who love you do as well.

    Much love,
    The Shirley Family

  2. Love you guys, and thanks for sitting with us at church on Sunday it was great getting to visit with you!

  3. we love you guys and are praying for each and everyone of you. rod is our hero!
    lots of love,
    the nelsons

  4. Wife, Nolan, and Reagan-
    I miss you 3 more than ever. The weather is roasting here during the day, but im surrounded by mountains with snow on the peaks. Doesn't seem right. The pictures and stories brings joy and tears and helps me make it thru the day. I can't wait until we are together again. Reagan you look wonderful protected by Nolan. Both of you, keep it up. Wife you're performing a job most couldn't, don't grow tired. I love you.

    p.s. RUN? hee,hee.

    love from far away,
