Sunday, May 2, 2010

Slight Change of Plans & Friends, Friends, Friends

NOT for Reagan, that is.  She is still set for surgery this Wed.  I will take her in on Tues. for a pre-op appt but then she will return to RMH with us that night and bring her back early Wed. morning for the big day!! 
The change in plans is simply for Nolan.  Because our family is going through two big stressers right now, Reagan's surgery and Rod's upcoming deployment, we felt it better for all four of us to spend as much time together as possible soooooooo......
Nolan will be flying out with Dad on Tues. and get to stay for 2 weeks and then return home on the 17th with Rod.  This way, he is never away from either parent which we feel is better for him right now.  He is very excited to be coming.  We truly appreciate his school working with us on this matter.
In order for this to work well, splitting our time between Nolan, out of the hospital, and Reagan, in the hospital my mom and stepdad have agreed to be here for the next 2 weeks to help.  When we need to be with Reagan, they can entertain Nolan and vice versa.  After the decision was made for Nolan to come out with Daddy, my stepdad, Lonny, left Texas early Friday morning with their mini RV/camper.  He has been driving for the past 3 days and finally arrived here Sun. afternoon.  He and my mom will park the camper near the hospital and stay in it while we stay in RMH.  There's simply not enough room for all of us at the RMH. Reagan has been saying "Paw-Paw" for three days now and was so excited to finally see him today.

Reagan & PawPaw Lonny

It's great to have such supportive parents!

In other news, we were able to have lunch and visit with some sweet friends in Christ we've really known more through blogging than in person.  We did meet them briefly last May when we were out here for Reagan's cath but then we were sent home but have kept in touch.  The Nelsons, Justin and Victoria, are precious parents of Moriah, 2 yrs, who has the same heart defect as Reagan. Due to Moriah's health, they have relocated to the area.  So, they came and had lunch with Mom, Reagan and I (before PawPaw arrived).  It was a great visit!  Thank you guys for lunch and the gift card.  We love you & are praying Moriah home every step of the way!

Reagan with Victoria

Jen, Reagan and Victoria

Last but not least, I had to tell you how Reagan has been spending her days here in California while waiting for her big surgery on Wed.  She has met a new friend, Elliott.  Elliott turned 3 in Feb. as well as Reagan.  He is here with his family because his little sister Arden Jane,  4 mos. old, is having heart surgery two days after Reagan does. 

        Reagan with Arden and Elliott

They have become good buddies and enjoy each other's company.  Here are a few pics of how they spend their time together.

watching movies together

playing ball together

reading books together

It's a good thing Daddy comes on Tuesday because this seems to be getting serious...LOL!


  1. I'm having a hard time leaving a's rejecting me today! :0(
    Bottom line...praying over your entire family

  2. Love Ya'll, I am glad that ya'll are getting to enjoy yourself a little!!! We are praying specifically that Reagan will be well enough that you can all come home together in two. Pleaes feel free to email or call if you want to talk or if you need anything.

  3. Hey I really hope you get to read this soon! Cody has been so sweet lately, we were making us a playlist for our blog spot this morning and Cody said,"Lets send Reagan some songs" so he picked out 3 of his very favorite songs and they are the 1st 3 on our list, they have a little video for Reagan so she can watch it.
    Our blogspot is
    I hope she gets a chance to watch them. LOVE YA'LL!

  4. We love your family! Praying over the traveling this Tuesday and the surgery this Wednesday!

  5. seriously, we had such a GREAT time with you guys. Reagan is such a doll, and we can't wait to see her again.
    we will be here praying for all of you.
    much love,

  6. We are praying continuously for Reagan and her sweet family. She is never far from our thoughts and always in our prayers.

  7. Hope pre-op went well. Constantly thinking of you guys and praying for a smooth and successful surgery tomorrow. Give Reagan a hug from us:)

  8. Lifting Reagan up in prayer. Melissa

  9. Praying for you guys today. The girls will be praying, too. They really enjoyed getting to meet Reagan while we were in TX. Did you know we are back in MS?? Wasn't sure. Love you guys.

  10. I'm praying today for miss Reagan. --Hannah West
